October 19, 2022
October 26, 2022On the 18th of October 2022, the DC Associations (DCASA and DCSA) had their 3rd quarterly meeting with the NCR to discuss prominent issues in the Industry.
The idea behind these meetings is to discuss current issues we are experiencing in the industry and would like to have resolved.
- The DC renewal Certificates.
We have had an influx of members who to this day have not yet received their certificates. Unfortunately, the Renewal Department was not at the meeting, however we have scheduled a meeting with both the Renewal Department as well as the Complaints Department for the 2nd of November 2022.10.2
As such we will also be discussing the NCR’s Complaints process and timelines with them on the 2nd of November, we will provide updates once the meeting has been finalised.
- The increase in Rogue Debt Counsellors.
We have brought this to the NCR attention on numerous occasions and they have confirmed that they are working on a list but and have plans in place to bring these Debt Counsellors to task. We will continue to follow up on the matter, but are hopeful that the NCR will be acting against these Debt Counsellors soon.
We have also given them further evidence to highlight the latest trends for them to look at.
- New Withdrawal Guidelines (No cooling off period)
The NCR are still of the opinion that their interpretation of the Van Vuuren v Roets Judgement is correct and stand by their decision. However, they are willing to have this matter tabled again at CIF once there is a another legal opinion on the matter.
- DC’s buying leads with information of the Clients Debt Review status.
This is not the first time that we have brought this to their attention and have expressed our concerns that this information can only come from either the Credit Bureaus or the DHS system itself. This is currently being investigated and one of the Credit Bureaus has been flagged to be investigated. At the same time they confirmed that they are in the process of improving the security of the DHS system. (We have suggested that they also conduct an audit trail into the matter).
- The Lack of CIF meetings.
One of our greatest concerns are that CIF has not been active for more than a year, which has halted progress within the industry as we are unable to come to a consensus between all stakeholders within the industry regarding new and matters still outstanding from CIF.
The NCR has indicated, that even though they have appointed both a Legal Manager and a Senior Monitoring Officer, both have to adapt and prioritise projects that require immediate attention, Kedi informed us that they hope to resume CIF meetings in 2023.
However, yesterday we also received a meeting request for the CIF DCRS sub committee to be held on the 23rd of November 2022.
- General
We have also been informed that the NCR is in the process of compiling an “Escalation / Departmental contact list” to be circulated soon.
In the meantime, the Debt Counselling Associations together with other Associations have set up an INDUSTRY STAKEHOLDERS MEETING called the “CIM – Credit Industry Meeting” for the 1st of November 2022.
We have invited all the Stakeholders who usually attend the CIF meetings. The aim is to discuss pertinent industry issues with the hope that when CIF is revived, we will already have worked through many obstacles.
Once we have concluded this meeting we will update you accordingly