Press release: How the New South African National Health Insurance Bill Affects Overindebted Individuals and Medical Aid Subscribers
May 16, 2024
What fees can a Debt Counsellor ask during the Debt Review process?
July 2, 2024Dcasa has confirmed with the NCR DC Renewal Department that Debt Counsellors are not required to wait for their DC Renewal invoice before submitting payment to the NCR for their annual renewal.
Please ensure that payment is made promptly within the next two months and for the correct amount. The fees remain unchanged at R500 for renewal, with an additional R250 per branch where services are provided. Therefore, the minimum fee is R750 (R500 + R250).
For Debt Counsellors operating from multiple branches, an extra R250 per branch must be included in the payment.
It is essential to use your NCRDC number as a reference when submitting payment. NCR Banking details here: NCR BANKING DETAILS
Proof of payment should be sent to finance@ncr.org.za and TXhati@ncr.org.za to facilitate the issuance of your renewal certificate.
DCASA will contact its members in August to compile a list for certificate collection and distribution at our Conference. Please keep an eye out for this email.
– Vanessa Johst (Operations Manager)